You may find other spoiler files via anonymous ftp at. Warning! These documents may spoil your enjoyment of the game. Type -K to open a table of contents and -F to find any word in any chapter. You can optimize your window space by clicking on the zoom box. Make sure you're not in the source directory when you're launching the game.1 The Angband Hintbook The complete guide to mastering Angband This stand-alone document contains the most useful of the hint and spoiler files for Angband. (A nice trick in the Dolphin file manager is to press Shift-F4 to open a terminal at your current folder.)ĥ. In a terminal, type "make -f makefile.std" without quotes. Save the makefile and close the text editor.Ĥ. (The comment symbol is a hash/sharp sign.) I recommend keeping the curses interface enabled at least, because it's the most stable.ģ. Uncomment or comment any interfaces you want or don't want. Look through the top section "Things you should, or could, change". In the source directory, open up makefile.std in a text editor, like KWrite or Emacs.Ģ. I worked compilation out on Linux because I've compiled Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, which is quite similar. * SDL can't be enabled in the makefile.std (the standard makefile for UNIX operating systems). * The compile instructions are for vanilla, not Un. Fix for Bug #15830 Dropped staff turned to Nothing Fix for Old Forest locations suggested by Satyr. Fix for bug Bug #15836 Giant white mousemice bone Fix levels some room descriptions appear on to ensure that the appropriate objects are generated. Fix for Bug #15841 Quake destroys critter Fix for discounts not reducing cost of items.

Fix up some timed effect description mismatches. Fix for bug 015845 Khazad-dum - map is locked to 0,0 Fix bug when wielded instruments acted as bows. Fix bug causing slow poison messages every round if poison slowed. Fix resist nether being accidentally identified on items. Fix possible out of bounds error when enchanting (Thanks to Satyr). Fix Violin and Drum svals (Thanks to Satyr). Fix stair direction on the top levels of towers. Fix bug where ice chasms would be created from wet ground. Fix explosion and slime attacks so they affect the player. Fix bug with aura reporting itself as an undefined attack. Fix bug where thrown items wouldn't be identified when the target died. Fix bugs causing duplicate tips to appear when seeing items in stores. Fix bug where object sold to store wouldn't 'really' become identified. Fix stacking bugs between lit and nonlit torches. Separate out the option to toggle the monlist on or off via space bar from whether it is actually on to start with. This is due to an unresolved bug with monlist option on preventing stores from being entered.

Bump the save file version to force this off for the competition 70 character. Make the monlist option switched off by default. Make some mushroom tips appear early enough to be useful. Allow cancellation of recall to avoid consuming scroll. Suppress messages about weapons getting damaged on the ground. Change appearance of pits and silent watchers to prevent trap regions having the same appearance as unknown areas. Remember when we get objects from storage locations or as quest rewards.
If a player is not hungry and not full and eats and ends up in the same state, don't report anything. Allies use the player's name when speaking about them. Increase frequency of potion and scroll drops deeper in the dungeon. Change throwing so that badly balanced weapons do the minimum damage and only have half the damage bonus when thrown. Increase length of time poison attacks last for. Change most healing effects to heal a percentage of the player hit points. Change semantics of healing percentage to match Angband's. Ensure staff of perilous summoning is marked cursed. Improve effectiveness of wand of haste monster. Prevent battlefields from getting consumed by fire as easily. Make forge giant monsters more like player class. Improve routine which picks player allies on the battlefield. Make Hornburg open above the ground level.

You will now get a disease if you let your stat be drained while at the minimum. Reduce frequency of diseases caused by non-disease damage. Reduce starting number of monsters on each dungeon level. Increase number of monsters in wilderness.

Allow flasks to be wielded into the quiver. Temples should now usually stock Satisfy Hunger service. Add service of Acid Proofing to Small Goods Store and Armoury. It is possible for the player to learn about new items this way. Storage locations now contain fully identified objects. Unangband 0.6.3a "Football Competition" Release
You can download a precompiled Windows build from or a precompfiled OS/X build from. This is a bugfix release of Unangband 0.6.3a "Football Competition" Release